ACTS Core Team

Core Team Members

Mark Vilar

Susan McNeal

Communications Coordinator
Bob Thompkins

Financial Coordinator
Maria Armstrong

Supply Coordinator
Laura Davis

Retreat Support Coordinator (men)
Tim Ledet Sr.

Retreat Support Coordinator (women)
Heather Ledet

Spiritual Coordinator (men)
Monroe Milton

Spiritual Coordinator (women)
Anita Go

Social Coordinator
Katie Spence

Social Coordinator
Johnnie Scalisi

Fr. Dan O’Conner

What is Core Team?

ACTS Core is a governing body of 5 men and 5 women. The greater good of the Cenla ACTS mission is foremost in the activities and decisions of the Core team.

Core team meets once a month.

How are members of Core team selected?
Members of the Core team are practicing Catholics registered parishioners of the parish. They must be committed to the building of the ACTS community and to the ACTS Core as a ministry. These members must have been a retreatant on an ACTS retreat, served on an retreat ACTS team, and displayed leadership abilities.

Core team prayerfully chooses, from a list of eligible people, who will be asked to serve. To be an eligible member the person’s spouse may not be on the present Core team. It is the intent to maintain a balance of gender and experience levels on the Core.

Core members will requests nominations from the community and bring forth eligible names for open positions being considered. The names of nominees will be accumulated during the 3 months prior to the nomination meeting, which will be 3 months prior to vacancy. The selection of the new Core member will be the same as the selection of the retreat director.

Names will be written on a slip of paper then placed in a basket, which will then be brought to prayer for God’s will to be done in the selection of the new member. Names will be recorded in which they are drawn in order to accomplish this task. The person first on the list will be contacted and a request to serve will be offered and if the person declines the next name on the list will be contacted. And so on.

How long does a Core team member serve?
Two years

How are directors for the ACTS retreat selected?
Core team selects directors in the same manner as selecting Core members. See process listed above.

How do I add or remove myself form the ACTS directory list?
Send an email to the Cenla ACTS communications coordinator.

© 2018 Cenla ACTS